- Apallaga klaudiae
- A. boadicea (2)
- A. leona
- A. galenus
- A. ghanaensis
- A. belcastroi
- A. galkasa
- A. alluaudi
- A. fulgens (3)
- A. minuta
- A. oreas
- A. beni (2)
- A. jacquelinae jacquelinae
- A. jacquelinae michelae
- A. opalinus
- A. kakamegae
- A. rwandae
- A. menageshae
- A. biseriata (3)
- A. uluguru
- A. hecqui
- A. intermixtus
- A. evansi
- A. lourentis
- A. bergeri
- A. kivuensis
- A. pooanus (2)
- A. bakolo
- A. milleri
- A. abriana
- A. jacksoni
- A. homeyeri (3)
- A. ankasa (2)
- A. meditrina
- A. vicariana
- A. ovalis (2)
- A. medustris
- A. ovastris
- A. vandeweghei
- A. confusa (2)
- A. perconfusa
- A. illustris
- A. elongata
- A. brattstromi
- A. incredibilis
- A. mona
- A. rhodolphi
- A. maiana
- A. aureus
- A. stewarti
- A. perlustris
- A. katangensis (3)
- A. daroa
- A. adora
- A. darlustris
- A. inexpectata
- A. rutilans (2)
- A. cuypersi
- A. ducarmei
- A. ashanti
- A. safiani
- A. kasai (2)
- A. orientalis
- A. suzannae
- A. rubeho
Updated at: 2020-07-29
Apallaga galenus (Fabricius, 1793)
Citation of this page:content_copy
Sáfián, Sz., Siklósi, A. (2025). Apallaga galenus (Fabricius, 1793) - https://abdb-africa.org/species/Apallaga_galenus
Hesperiidae Subfamily
Pyrginae Tribus
Celaenorrhinini Type locality
"In Indiis", false locality. Neotype designated by Libert (2014): SIERRA LEONE, Mogbaima near Moro River, Malema DistrictOccurrence
Biogeographical class
Ecological class
Conservation status
Biology & habits
A. galenus is a common species, found in all kinds of forest habitats from primary lowland rainforest to riverine forest in the Guinea savannah zone. It can also survive severe habitat degradation and could occur in young secondary growth, also in parks and gardens. Males display actively in the morning hours flying to and fro with its rapid flights. Occasionally, they rest on sun-lit leaves during the display but they are more often engaged in fights with other A. galenus males and other males in the genus, also with similarly coloured species in the genus Scopulifera. When not active, both sexes rest underneath leaves of taller-form plants and bushes, both sexes also regularly visit flowers. They often prefer the tubular flowers of Convolvulaceae, where they take advantage of their long proboscis to drink nectar.Host plants
Apallaga galenus female UPS
GUINEA, Ziama Forest - 29.VII.2020 - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus female UNS
GUINEA, Ziama Forest - 29.VII.2020 - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJ
Apallaga galenus male genitalia lateral view Gen. prep.: 2728/16.06.2020/K.Florczyk
GHANA, Volta Region, Asato - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus aedeagus lateral view Gen. prep.: 2728/16.06.2020/K.Florczyk
GHANA, Volta Region, Asato - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus male genitalia dorsal view Gen. prep.: 2728/16.06.2020/K.Florczyk
GHANA, Volta Region, Asato - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus male genitalia lateral view Gen prep.: 2753/06.07.2020/K.Florczyk
SIERRA LEONE, Bendugu - 06.VII.2020 - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus aedeagus lateral view Gen. prep.: 2753/06.07.2020/K.Florczyk
SIERRA LEONE, Bendugu - 06.VII.2020 - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus male genitalia posterior view Gen prep.: 2753/06.07.2020/K.Florczyk
SIERRA LEONE, Bendugu - 06.VII.2020 - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJApallaga galenus male genitalia dorsal view Gen prep.: 2753/06.07.2020/K.Florczyk
SIERRA LEONE, Bendugu - 06.VII.2020 - Klaudia Florczyk/CEP-MZUJ
Celaenorrhinus galenus galenus;Similar species
Apallaga ghanaensis Libert, 2014; Apallaga belcastroi Libert, 2014; Apallaga galkasa Libert, 2014;Distribution map